The Possible Risks of Technology to the Environment
When we think about new tech, the first thing that comes to mind may be the devices that some of us carry with us and use every single day. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops have altered the way we live – and most would say that they have brought us innumerable benefits. But there is no disputing that these commonplace innovations have come at a cost to the planet.
These and other contemporary electronic devices all present worries regarding resource use, energy use, carbon footprint, and waste. When we look at the complete life cycle of our modern equipment, it is clear to understand why these electrical wonders are also a tremendous concern for our environment.
1. Mining For Minerals
When examining the environmental cost of technology, it is vital to evaluate what resources went into manufacturing them in the first place and where those materials originated from. A substantial quantity of scarce natural resources and precious metals go into creating our electronic devices and other modern technologies. The image is a complicated one, and the materials necessary to build just one phone come from globe. This can make the end-to-end examination of natural resource deterioration challenging.
2. Huge Energy Use & Carbon Footprint
The environmental effect of technology does not end with the raw materials and where they have originated from. Manufacturers require significant energy to transform them into the complicated electrical, technical things we use. Transportation of these products worldwide, by planes and automobiles, also responsible for greenhouse effect held to account for global warming and air pollution.
3. E-Waste (Digital Waste) (Electronic Waste)
The environmental consequences of mobile computing do not end there. These goods also pose a problem at the end of their useful lives. Internationally, we are throwing away $62.5 bn of electronic waste each year.
A tiny fraction of old digital equipment are reprocessed. Nevertheless, the vast majority end up in landfill sites or burned in dumps. Sadly these landfills not only generate methane and other carbon emissions but our abandoned electronics leach toxins, such mercury, that mingle with other wastewater pollutants such as pesticides. A toxic mish-mash of chemicals can leach into watersheds, exacerbate environmental pollution and harm wildlife.